Graduate Resources
Documents and information to assist you during your time as an FSU graduate student.
Documents for Doctoral Students
- Doctoral Program of Study
- Doctoral Revised Supervisory Committee Form
- Doctoral Prelim Exam Results Form
- Student Graduation Checklist (Ph.D.)
- Program of Study Adjustment Form
Note: The academic staff member initiates the submission of forms in FSU DocuSign for completion/signatures.
Documents for Master’s Students
- Master’s Program of Study
- Master’s Revised Supervisory Committee Form
- Master’s Comp Exam Results Form
- Master’s Non-Thesis Degree Clearance Form
- Master’s Student Graduation Checklist
- Program of Study Adjustment Form
Note: The academic staff member initiates the submission of forms in FSU DocuSign for completion/signatures.
HDFS Department Documents
- HDFS Graduate Student Handbook [2024-25 | 2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-21 ]
- HDFS Teaching Assistant Manual
- HDFS Graduate Reference Request Form
- HDFS Graduate DIS Request Form
- HDFS Travel Authorization Form
- HDFS Graduate Course Underload Request
Graduate assistantships (teaching and research) are awarded through each department. Additional scholarship opportunities may also be available. To find out more, please contact your department.
HDFS Orientation for Graduate Students
A departmental orientation has been created for newly admitted graduate students to the Department of Human Development and Family Science (HDFS) in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences. It will be held in two sessions: an online asynchronous session and an in-person session. Information provided in each session is distinct, and you must attend both. You will learn about academic expectations, campus, and community resources. Whether you are attending a university in the U.S. for the first time or are an FSU alumnus, the graduate student experience is filled with challenges and rewards. We are here to support you during your journey to becoming a successful professional in your field of study.
Requisite Student Orientations
The departmental orientation is one of several orientations that will be required. Please take a moment to view the Start-Up Activities schedule. We ask that you dress “business casual” for any in-person event. Please note that the weather in Florida is variable, and temperature inside buildings can fluctuate (we recommend you bring an umbrella and a sweater/light coat).
Students are required to be present in Tallahassee the week before classes begin.
Fall 2024
The HDFS orientation will be offered virtually as a self-paced online Canvas course. Your activated FSU ID will allow us to invite you to the Canvas orientation course. The course will open on 5 August 2024 and must be completed by 16 August 2024. Please allow time to complete all modules successfully; the total viewing time is around two (2) hours, and this does not include the quizzes or assignments.
Preparing for the Orientation
- All Master’s and Doctoral Students admitted to programs in HDFS should successfully complete the departmental orientation before registering for classes.
- Find out more about Canvas, the FSU software that we deliver courses through.
Department Orientation Contacts
Paul Peluso
Department Chair
Human Development and Family Science
(850) 644-4048
225-H SAN
Tara Hartman
Graduate Academic Program Specialist
Office of Academic Services & Intern Support (OASIS)
(850) 644-7221
242-B SAN
Additional Resources
For additional policies, please refer to individual department pages. All college and departmental policies are in compliance with university policies.
Current Doctoral Students
Kaley de Leon
Human Development & Family Science

- Family Life Education Program Evaluation and Implementation
- Marriage and Relationship Education
Lenka Feng
Human Development & Family Science

- Parent-Child Relationships
- Child Emotional Development
- Parenting
- Cultural Diversity
Lenka is a first-year in-flight doctoral student in the Human Development and Family Science program. Lenka is originally from Beijing, China. She graduated from Ohio State University with her Bachelors of Arts in Psychology and a Minor in Education. She has two-years of experience working in child developmental labs and has held an internship in a primary school. Lenka also had two-months of experience as an intern in a youth psychiatric hospital. These undergraduate experiences helped her to focus her research interests in parenting and parent-child relationships. She wants to understand how parents’ behaviors and relationships influence their child’s development and how these factors contribute to a better family environment for child growth.
Lenka enjoys reading suspense/detective novels and love stories. In her spare times, she like spending time with family and friends, playing online games or watching movies together. Her favorite way to spend holidays and vacations is traveling around world to actually “experience” every miracle that historical stories left.
Alexis Hughes
Human Development & Family Sciences

- Anxious solitude in childhood
- Development of psychopathology (particularly eating disorders)
- Childhood Victimization
Alexis is an in-flight doctoral student in the Human Development and Family Sciences program. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Florida State University in Family and Child Sciences and Psychology. Her research interests include the development of psychopathology, with a particular interest in the development of eating disorders, victimization experienced in childhood, and anxious solitude. Through her research, she hopes to gain a better understanding of factors that influence the development of psychopathology.
Karina Jalapa Sandoval
Human Development & Family Science

- Maternal depression, stress, and trauma
- Developmental trauma
- Resilience in children
- Cross-cultural research
Karina is currently a first-year doctoral student in the Human Development and Child Sciences program. She was born in Toluca, Mexico but considers Fort Worth, Texas to be her home since she moved there after her first birthday.
She graduated from Texas A&M University with a B.S in Psychology and a minor in Neuroscience.
Karina is interested in studying the outcomes of maternal stress, trauma, and depression on pre and postnatal development and why some children exposed to these early childhood stressors develop resilience while others do not. She is also interested in examining cross-cultural differences in children exposed to trauma, specifically within Latinx populations.
Karina plans on staying in academia so that she can pursue her passion for research and teaching.
In her spare time, she enjoys listening to an unhealthy amount of true-crime podcasts, her favorite being Morbid A True Crime Podcast and Crime Junkie. She also enjoys taking photos of her beloved beagle-mix, Dopamine (A.K.A Dopey), for his own Instagram page. She enjoys all things outdoors and hopes to one day see an alligator in its natural habitat.
Trinity Johnston
Human Development & Family Science

- Child well-being
- Family and child therapy
- Child emotional development
- Parent-child relationships
- Implications of attachment theory
- Parenting
I am currently a first-year doctoral student in the Human Development and Family Sciences program. I was born in Lakeland, Florida and have always wanted to attend Florida State University to earn my degrees. I graduated from FSU with a B.S. in Psychology and a minor in Child Development. My research interests surround child well-being, parenting, and parent-child relationships; I am also specifically interested in how environmental factors can impact a child’ s development and growth.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading all kinds of novels, catching up on my favorite shows (huge Grey’s Anatomy fan), spending time with my friends, being outside, and traveling. I love vacationing and seeing new places; I hope to visit most places around the world in my lifetime. My most prized possession is my baby, a black lab named Bry (or Bubba) and we love to spend time together, go on walks, and have mommy-son days outside.
Chorong Lee
Marriage and Family Therapy

- Parent-child relationships
- Cultural differences in parenting
- Young children’s social and emotional development
- Evidence based practices in family therapy
Chorong is a doctoral student in the Marriage and Family Therapy program. She received her master’s degree in school counseling at Purdue University and worked as a lecturer and researcher before coming to Florida State University. Her research interests include parent child relationships, mother’s mental health and children’s emotional development, cultural differences in parenting, and evidence based practices for family and child therapy.
Dylann Lowery
Marriage and Family Therapy

- Generational trauma transmission through parenting styles for families with lower resources (i.e., financially, emotionally, physically, etc.) and higher risk for exposure/experience to complex trauma
- Biopsychosocial lifespan implications among individuals who experienced complex trauma (i.e., abuse, neglect, maltreatment) in early childhood (ages 0 – 4)
- Social-ecological play therapy interventions in systemic trauma-based clinical practice
- Posttraumatic adaptation and resiliency among survivors of complex trauma
- Couples who have experienced dual trauma and the ability to navigate romantic relationships
- Couple outcomes and systemic treatment in relationships with Intimate Partner Violence
Dylann is in the Marriage and Family Therapy Doctoral Program. Prior to joining the program, she received her B.S. in Human Development and Family Science and B.S. in Business Administration from Oklahoma State University. Following her undergraduate studies, she pursued a master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy at Auburn University. Dylann has served in a wide variety of clinical settings including working with underserved populations of the Tuskegee/Auburn/Opelika cities. Her clinical focus is providing trauma-informed care for families with children ages 4 -12. Upon graduation from Florida State University, Dylann wants to continue research to influence trauma intervention within families.
Dylann is originally from Woodward, Oklahoma but has loved getting to live in different states and traveling. During her time at Auburn, she adopted a dog and named him Derby-Jett and has loved having an adventure buddy. In her spare time, Dylann loves trying new foods and exploring Tallahassee. Additionally, she loves sports including watching the Oklahoma State Cowboys football team and the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team.
Crystal Marroquin
Marriage and Family Therapy

- Feminist Family Therapy
- Perinatal Care
- Mindfulness
- Social Justice
- Self of the Therapist
- Therapy retention rates within Hispanic communities
Crystal is a first-year doctoral student in the Marriage and Family Therapy program. She received a B.A. in Psychology & Spanish from Texas Tech University where she then completed a master’s degree in Couple, Marriage, and Family Therapy. She has experience working with a variety of populations in different settings including the juvenile justice system. Crystal’s research interests include Feminist Family Therapy, social justice, self of the therapist, and working to improve therapy retention rates within Hispanic communities. After graduation, she hopes to work in an academic setting while also continuing her clinical work.
Crystal is originally from Puerto Rico but primarily grew up in central Texas. She enjoys traveling and going on road trips with friends. One of her biggest bucket list goals is to visit every U.S. national park. In her free time she enjoys reading, watching movies, rollerblading, crocheting, and spending time with her dog Baker.
Chioma Opara
Human Development & Family Science

- Mindfulness and Self-Compassion
- Health and Well-Being of Individuals and Families
- Mindfulness in Family Relationships
- Impact of Mindfulness on Mental Health and Overall Well-being
Chioma is a doctoral student in the Human Development and Family Science program. She obtained her bachelor’s degree (B.Sc. Ed.) and master’s (M.Ed.) in Home Economics from the University of Nigeria Nsukka. While studying Home Economics, Chioma understood the nature of humans as it relates to their physical, biological, social, intellectual, emotional, mental, and psychological development and well-being. She was exposed to different areas of knowledge that helped proffer solutions to problems in the family and society. Chioma is passionate about understanding and improving the health and well-being of individuals and families. Through her research interests, she intends to enhance relationships among family members, establish healthy lifestyles, and promote the general well-being and health of the individuals in the family. She would achieve this by researching mindfulness and well-being in individuals, families, and the community at large, thus, helping them to become aware of their feelings and pay attention to their thoughts so that, instead of being overwhelmed by them, they are better able to manage them.
Chioma loves to involve herself with positive thoughts and engage in things that make her feel happy and loved. Specifically, she loves entertainment, cooking, listening to songs, singing, dancing, and watching games. She also loves to spend time with children and assist individuals and families who are in need.
Francesca Otero-Vargas
Marriage and Family Therapy

- Couple and Family Relationships
- Parent-Child Relationships
- Adolescent Identity Development and Self-Concept
- Developmental Trauma
- Mindfulness-Based Interventions
- Mental Health Accessibility in Academic Settings
Francesca is a doctoral student in the Marriage and Family Therapy program. She received her B.S. with a double major in Family & Child Sciences and Psychology from Florida State University and her M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy along with a certificate in Systemic Multicultural Counseling from Appalachian State University. She is interested in researching the potential holistic health benefits of integrating Family Therapy into the education system, as a means of early intervention for students. Specifically, she would like to look at the effects of parental and teacher engagement, access, cultural context, and other factors, on child and family development, common diagnoses in children, academic achievement, and academic success. Her research is grounded in the belief that change stems from awareness and acceptance. Francesca hopes to pursue a career as both a faculty member focused on clinical research and as a practicing clinician.
Francesca is originally from the Bronx, NY but grew up in sunny South Florida. She is a Registered Yoga Teacher – 200 hours and enjoys both teaching and taking classes. When not on her yoga mat, she finds joy in going on adventures, listening to live music, reading at coffee shops, or spending the day relaxing with her husband and their dog, Thor.
Carson Outler
Marriage and Family Therapy

- Risk and Resilience
- Intersectionality
- Attachment
- Self of the Therapist
Carson is a doctoral student in Marriage and Family Therapy. She received both her B.S. in Psychology and her Master of Marriage and Family Therapy from Mercer University in Macon, Georgia. Her primary research interests include risk, resilience, and intersectionality. Carson is passionate about creating research that centers around marginalized families and hopes to use her research to advocate for systemic change. In the future, she aims to work as a professor at the master’s level where she can help train the next generation of Marriage and Family Therapists.
Lauren Selice
Marriage and Family Therapy

- Marriage and family therapy
- Mindfulness interventions
- Parent-child relationships
Lauren is a doctoral student in Marriage and Family Therapy. She is originally from Florida where she earned her B.S. in Psychology from University of Central Florida and her M.S./Ed.S. in Mental Health Counseling from Florida State University. Lauren’s research interests include mindfulness-based interventions, specifically targeted at increasing empathy and satisfaction within couple relationships.
Kayla Stange
Human Development & Family Science

- Parental influences on the development of anxiety disorders in children
- Family-based therapeutic intervention
Kayla is a doctoral student in the Human Development and Family Science program. Her advisor is Dr. Ming Cui. She graduated with her B.A. in Psychology at Meredith College in Raleigh, North Carolina. Kayla has worked in a variety of different clinical settings with children, which led to her passion of researching youth populations. Her current research focuses on how negative mothering attitudes influence childhood anxiety symptoms. Kayla plans on going into academia after graduation, with goals to be a research mentor and professor.
Nick Triplett
Marriage and Family Therapy

- Ethics and professional conduct
- Mentorship and clinical pedagogy
- Intersectionality
- Clinical issues of death and dying
- Gerontology and aging clinical populations
Nick is a doctoral student in Marriage and Family Therapy. He earned his B.A. in Psychology from Indiana University Southeast and later, his M.S. in Couple & Family Therapy from Purdue University Northwest. Nick is passionate about understanding the role of therapy – and therapists – in helping foster effective and just systemic change in relational systems; both inside and outside of the therapy room. His research interests primarily focus on the use of relational ethics in clinical and professional decision-making, as well the use of an intersectional perspective in guiding effective mentorship and training of emerging therapists. Additionally, he also has specific scholarly interests in issues facing aging clinical populations, and how therapists systemically conceptualize death and the dying process in therapeutic settings. Nick aims to one day serve as an instructor and supervisor for Master’s-level MFT trainees, where he will be able to directly witness and contribute to the development of the next generation of systemic therapists and scholar-clinicians.
Whether it’s going camping, hiking, or just taking an easy drive around the scenic back roads of his hometown in Southern Indiana, Nick is at his happiest in nature. He is also a fan of table-top role-playing games, and gets together regularly with friends and colleagues from across the country to catch-up, tell stories, and roll a few dice!