Joseph Watso, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition and Integrative Physiology, received a Judge Travel Award to attend the 2022 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS). It is one of the largest professional conferences for underrepresented community college, undergraduate and postbaccalaureate students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It took place in early November in Anaheim, California.
“As someone from a disadvantaged background, I know that mentorship and support is a critical part of my success, particularly early on in my scientific training,” Watso said ahead of the conference. “I am excited to support ABRCMS because each underrepresented group in STEM faces unique challenges and may require additional mentorship, guidance, and support. I look forward to helping provide a constructive and positive environment to ABRCMS presenters, many of whom will be giving their first scientific presentation.”
The conference attracts more than 3,900 STEM undergraduate, postbaccalaureate and graduate students as well as postdoctoral scientists.
Watso served as a judge for in-person and virtual poster sessions and provided students with feedback and assisted conference organizers with the award selection process.
“I am excited to encourage these students to continue their STEM training and serve as an informal mentor to help them as they progress,” he added, ahead of the conference.