Kaley de Leon, a second-year doctoral student in the Human Development and Family Science program, received a travel grant to attend the annual conference for the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) and present her latest research. The award was presented through the College of Health and Human Science’s Presentation Travel Award Program.
“It is such an honor to be selected as a recipient of the travel award because the cost of attending conferences is often very high, but is critical to our success as scholars,” said de Leon. “This award eliminates the financial burden of getting to share our important research and allows us to have the valuable experience of networking with others in the field while we proudly represent Florida State University.”
She presented two posters at the conference, which took place November 16-19, 2022, in Minneapolis.
Her first poster presented data collected by the Florida Center for Prevention Research (FCPR) from a pilot study evaluating a marriage enrichment curriculum with military spouses. It was titled, “Adventures in Marriage: An Intensive Weekend Marriage Enrichment Program for Military Couples.”
The second presentation was titled, “The Intergenerational Transmission of Mental Health: The Role of Children’s Adverse Childhood Experiences and Ability to Flourish.”
De Leon is a Certified Family Life Educator and works as a research assistant at the Florida Center for Prevention Research where she assists with the evaluation of programs in the areas of adolescent pregnancy prevention and marriage education.
“As a Certified Family Life Educator, I was thankful for the opportunity to network with other CFLEs and swap stories about the prevention work we are doing to help strengthen families,” she added. “In addition to presenting and sharing my research, it was great to be able to support and cheer on my fellow Health and Human Sciences colleagues as they presented their own research.”